Alternate Trustee Policy

Camera/Video Policy

Circulation Policy

Collection and Activity Development Policy

Display Policy

Donation and Gift Policy

Emergency Closing Policy

Internet Use and Computer Policy

Library Users Conduct Policy

Meeting Room Usage Policy  

Photography, Videography, and Audio Recording Policy

Safe Child Policy

Social Media Policy


Lending technology/Library of things: These items have separate lending periods and must be checked out by showing identification and signing a borrower’s agreement.

Holiday closings: The Library will follow the town holiday calendar. In addition, if a holiday falls on a day the library is not regularly open, the library may close the day before or after the holiday so that staff may have an equal number of holiday pay benefits. The Library traditionally closes for two long weekends a year: Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Policy for emergency closings: In order to provide the best service, the library will try to remain open whenever possible. The Library is concerned however, for the safety of its employees and patrons. During extreme weather situations or community emergencies, the Director or designee may close the Library at their discretion. If such an event occurs, the Director or designee will inform WMUR of the closing. The closure will also be posted on the library website and social media.